Friday 17 August 2007

Firefox vs Opera 9.20

This post is not just to let you know what browsers I'm using at the moment.
It's rather about this speed problem a colleague of mine and I are having for a web application.

Just to make it simple, there are two divs, each contain a huge table, each with around 100 rows of 20 columns each, in each cell there is either some text, a checkbox or a select tag with around 5 options. Just to sum things up, there are like 800 checkboxes and 800 selects. They are loaded by pulling data from the server through a HttpRequest object.

We were expecting loading to take a long time and it really does :-)
What is really surprising is what happens when they're both loaded and their classNames are changed, one gets a class name that has among others "display: none" to hide it and the other gets "currentDiv" class name which sets a few properties.

I'm really surprised about how ling time it takes Firefox 2 to do this operation. I checked with FireBug exactly what part of the code takes the most to run and this is it:

  myDiv.className = "currentDiv";

This is where it spends around 10 seconds.

I thought instead of changing the class name, to try and change the style.display property, but there was no visible difference. Here's a nice test on this subject.

Just for tha hell of it, I also took down any other CSS properties from the "currentDiv" class and especially these kind of lines:

  div.currentDiv table td.commentTd{ ... }

I thought maybe the rendering engine has to go through all cells of the table in this specific div and change the visual attributes. Well, again, no improvement.

I was curious what had Opera to say about this matter and I tested the same code on Opera 9.20. Result: under 2 seconds including loading the div. Absolutely surprising.

I'm not giving up on Firefox, yet, I still love it :-) But I'm looking forward to Firefox 3 with its new and improved JavaScript engine ;-)

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